alfie lee writing



instagram instadram instadrink
instanationalsuper instastardom instantnoodle
institution interstitial intersuperstition
instaflare instaflair instapeekaboo instaflash a panty too
insatiable insufferable
insane instantaneous
incense incensed incest intheface of it intense
instafollowers follow me
instagratification to show it all
here's #food and #food and here's #me #me and #me
instashoes instatoes instabag instathings installment
instaallthatmoneybrings instahappy instame instaprettitation instahip
and more and #me and all and instaquirky quicky pose and pout my instalip
instainsane instalook instaplease please show #me some so#me #me more #me
instastar instamorbid fascination who you are
instacanthelp myself but be
instalove to see
you make a # ofitall


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for graphic designs by alfie go to

all writing, artwork & music on this site
copyright of alfie lee
& may not be reproduced in any form without express consent

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