alfie lee writing


the ample girl of leisure arrives at a milestone

of a hundred thousand followers
on a trail of halfwit riddledygook, google
translated #feels, non-
sequiturs and cheesy lyrics
of empowerment from Top
40 assembly-line stars, with pictures on exotic locales
off the beaten's path, rofling on the latest
video apps, selfieing
in designer togs and downward doggy-style yoga poses
and doe-eyed influencing pouts
with strategically uploaded
to troll at the first faux past.

one will do what one does.
when the plague descended
on the town, its people
took to the sick. you cannot choose
the time of your own
passing. to nothing but worse,
the indignity of it all. when your
bowels can no longer hold, who
will you hold on to? the birds
are here by the millions boding
the skies, raining the roofs, they come
for the pickings, to do as they've been tasked,
their eyes alert eager waiting.


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all writing, artwork & music on this site
copyright of alfie lee
& may not be reproduced in any form without express consent

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