alfie lee writing


new love

tickets punched, caboose coupled
at the gate, conducting pure

electricity and needing, you
are as a train speeding

off track. toss that
weight that seals the fate

of the window breaking,
inchoate, this is true love

making, back to base, rover,
winter birds reeling over

head, bomb in
your bed, bottoming out

of your packing box, take down
everyone within

earshot, craft a steaming
pile of hot compost,

hexing all my exes
to ghost, about

you, the muscle, the mouth, you are
the most, bullock to china, mule, karate

chop, fist
pump, chokehold, headlock, gob

sent, gab gifted, breathe
in, let out, shape

shift, lax, drift
off, relax, receive, dive

down to the ocean
of commotion,

apply in oar, deep
long, smooth strokes,

the notion, that this will help
you please, what you want is


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