alfie lee writing


note to messiah

Two lines in messiah are sampled from Reading Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridien by James Bowers (Florida State University) (Copyright 1999, Boise State University Western Writers Series, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho)
However these lines have been placed in a very different context in messiah and consequently mean differently from their original usage in the source text.
The two lines are:
- "i am nostalgic / for a life / that has never / been", from Bowers' "America's advertisement for itself and for a nostalgic way of life that never, in fact, existed."
- " day to day fight / for existence, / a world not fit // for redemption, / the whims and wrath / of nature", from Bowers' "McCarthy's narrative constants include the vanishing rural south, day-to-day struggle for existence, a world bereft of redemption, and the primacy of nature."


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