This is the garden of delight.
Where expectations go,
we believe. Imitation has
never felt so right. We are only
thrice removed. In the future
they say, no one has to work.
I hear you talking. It reminds
me of the time i was lost
in the bookstore for what seemed
like forever and panic was closing
in fast, when i hear a voice:
little boy? This is by far my
favourite song. Wait for it.
Sometimes it's just easier.
She said, you go up there
and stay right. When you think
of home how does
your mind wander? This meeting
is over, gentlemen. We thank
you, one and all. Summer
comes before the fall. If
the fever persists, take two
more. If that doesn't work,
and here he pauses and looks
me in the eye to show me
he cares. Sure. Why not?
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