alfie lee writing


i'm in Singapore on account of my mom being ill

      was at the Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve today

      - 1 ferocious shower spelling no relief passing
      - 2 monitor lizards basking sunburst glory
      - 3 monitor lizards languid snake in brack two faraway shelter cathedral       roots last dauntless cross an open dash of light
      - 1 unending orchestra of crickets meticulously tuning their instruments
      - 1 monitor lizard beatup tailless heave off coppery pool almighty splash
      - 1 rainbow now no more
      - 1 monitor lizard standoff ... flickering tongue on foot path refusing to       get out of the way and me not versed in lizard and nervous and nervous       if he knew i come in peace
      - 1 mosquito on my left arm abdomen ballooning with my blood that i       promptly dispatched from this earth and too brief life left me humming
      lennon karma
      - 1 mosquito on my left arm bloodless next to mosquito pool of blood       who was also dispatched henceforth with same palm slap left me       scratchy memory
      - schools of glistening fish dart past pond
      - 2 kingfishers flashes of blue
      - 1 mudskipper turkey drumstick sinewy in oily water spastic on land
      - 1 whooping call from an unseen bird in bent back canopy rush memory       where i used to live each morning and roused the same and swore bloody       revenge but now most fondly
      - 1 monitor lizard expired flotsam upsidedown
      - 3 labourers siesta in hide tousled by my inopportune arrival
      - 5 sideways fiddling crabs brooking no audience retreating
      - 1 evil looking wasp-like bug who seemed to think i was following him       and meant harm when i was just going down boardwalk direction and       more afraid than he before we parted buzzed his displeasure in my ear       full of language i cannot repeat here
      - 1 juvenile monitor curious polished head peeking out of hollow       stumped at my being
      - too many clear instances of short-sightedness
      - 4 shiny sudden skinks
      - 1 mudskipper walking on water why not swim
      - 2 waterhens conversation
      - 2 movements on mudflats indistinct just off field of vision imagined       perhaps
      - 2 singaporean families reluctant children parents complaisant too white       legs fish out of water in tow
      - 3 distinct bursts of noises beyond language meaning memory
      - 3 flights of rowdy pipers wading out the distant winter shopping for       crustaceans and exchanging news from home
      - 1 ten foot crocodile round bend whereby i went holy shit! out loud to       no one and feel blessed who bids me with one primordial beady eye       soundlessly slips into water on the other side goodbye


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